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Written by Jacob Richmond and published by Talon Books


Directed by Britt Small

and Jacob Richmond

Penny and Ezra, the infamous Lamb siblings, extradited to Canada after a brutal attack on one of America’s most beloved pop stars, give a presentation of the harrowing odyssey at their high school. A contemporary Vaudeville routine with ukulele, puppets, mutlti-media and gangster rap presented by the “Gruesome Twosome” Canada’s youngest drug cartel.

Legoland has been performed in Vancouver, Victoria, Toronto, New York, Bellingham, Seattle and L.A.


Wrestling is real. It’s the world that’s set up.” That’s just one of the bon mots issuing forth in Jacob Richmond’s killer-smart script. Two Edward Goreyesque children pop to life in the persons of Penny and Ezra Lamb… With a smirking deadpan worthy of Kafka, Amitai Marmorstein and Celine Stubel deliver a true gift to the Fringe circuit.

- Michael Harris, The Globe and Mail


This clever company from Victoria takes a strange script by Jacob Richmond, casts it perfectly and presents the resulting carnival of kookiness with such assurance that Legoland is one of this Fringe’s must-see events.

- Peter Birnie, Vancouver Sun


…warm, funny and unexpectedly poignant… Kudos to playwright/director Jacob Richmond for a story that is powerfully witty, moving and wise.

 - Bruce DeMara, Toronto Star


Jacob Richmond’s comedy Legoland is a sort of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas for teenagers…  the braininess and original touches in Richmond’s script — combined with superior acting and direction — make this one well worth seeking out.

- Adrian Chamberlain, Times-Colonist

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Atomic Vaudeville is a non-profit society and your support and donations have made it possible for  Atomic Vaudeville to create original cabarets and award winning new works over the last ten years.


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