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When is the Spring Cabaret?

We've had a few people ask the question: When is the Spring Cabaret? Well, here's the skinny:

Due to a scheduling issues beyond our control, the Spring Cabaret can't go ahead as was originally planned. Don't worry! It's still happening. Our Cabarets are too important - both to us as a company, but also to our fans - to leave this unresolved. In fact, we have a few dates set aside which should do the trick. We're just at the point of waiting for all the pieces to fall into place, and we will have an update for you in the very near future.

thank you to our generous sponsors...

Atomic Vaudeville would like to thank all of its amazing supporters, members and donors!


Atomic Vaudeville is a non-profit society and your support and donations have made it possible for  Atomic Vaudeville to create original cabarets and award winning new works over the last ten years.


Donations can now be made through Paypal by clicking below or by contacting AV at


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